Monday, 5 March 2018

Teradata, Cisco Team on Analytics for Smart Cities

Teradata (NYSE: TDC) today announced that it is working with Cisco on a digital transformation solution focused on smart cities and communities. Combining the Cisco IoT platform, Cisco Kinetic for Cities, with the Teradata Analytics platform, the solution will help cities become smarter and more connected by providing a powerful solution for integrated data exchange. The Cisco Kinetic for Cities platform is distinguished by the secure collection, addition and normalization of real-time data in urban networks. Teradata is one of the first business data analytics companies to integrate this platform to provide intelligent data management, such as analytics, lifecycle management of persistent data, and data enrichment. . Together, the two leaders in their respective fields provide powerful tools that cities need to improve efficiency, improve public safety, provide better services to citizens and create new sources of revenue.

Collecting and managing data in a city is often decentralized and stored in departmental silos, where each city manager creates a data "stand" and set of tools to manage specific city facilities. This approach makes it difficult, if not impossible, to generate a data view throughout the city. Separate data silos should be integrated to reveal ideas about the city as a whole. Only then can the data be used effectively to make predictive and prescriptive decisions for a variety of urban services, including lighting, parking, traffic and waste management, citizen participation, and Security.

"Too many cities do not fully recognize the value of their data," said Anil Menon, global president of Smart + Connected Communities at Cisco. "With the Cisco Kinetic for Cities platform, our goal is to help cities think holistically about their city's infrastructure investments and the value of data captured by their connected assets, such as traffic cameras." , parking meters and environmental sensors. Once aggregated, customers using Teradata analysis can leverage the resulting contextual information to guide planning, monetization, and broader economic development efforts that keep cities liveable, sustainable, and resilient.

By using Cisco Kinetic for Cities, cities can collect, aggregate, and standardize application information from disparate cities and silos, including but not limited to traffic, lighting, and parking. By combining these real-time sensor data with other city information, such as payment system data, citizen sentiment and analytic applications, Teradata can offer predictive and predictive analytics, as well as easy-to-use visualizations. understand. city to make smarter and more informed decisions. Such a combined solution could, for example, automatically detect security incidents and generate alerts, locate traffic bottlenecks and optimize signals to decongest or evaluate route options to shorten vehicle response time. emergency.

Data is the foundation for value creation in today's digital society, said Stephen Brobst, chief technology officer at Teradata. "Cities are currently experiencing a seismic shift in their belief that their data has real value that can enable new services and capabilities to better serve their citizens and visitors." To achieve this goal, smart cities need to take advantage of an ecosystem and robust The Cisco and Teradata platforms are the cornerstones of this ecosystem, enabling city managers to make better data-driven decisions.